ICS has developed strong working relationships — partnerships — with firms, that are leaders in their respective industry segments; architecture, structural and foundation design and soil improvements. Strategic alliances with our partners allow us to bring world class solutions to complex construction problems at reasonable cost — and quickly.
ENSITU is a full service Panamanian planning and architectural design firm with a focus on the integration of extensive sustainable design principles where feasible. The firm has over 30 years of design experience and has completed projects in the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. (www.ensitu.net)
Hayward Baker, Inc.
HBI is North America’s leading soils improvement contractor. A subsidiary of the Keller Group, their ability to design, build and guarantee soil improvement solutions is second to none. (www.haywardbaker.com)
Lymon C. Reese and Associates
LCRA is a distinguished American engineering consulting firm. This small, highly talented firm is recognized as a world leader in deep foundation design, structural engineering and cutting edge software design. (www.ensoftinc.com)
In today’s world, Owners are faced with multiple challenges when managing for successful project completion, including: limited access to investment capital, growing shortages of reasonably priced resources and a fragmented design and construction industry. It is not likely that these challenges will disappear in the short term.